Travel Tidbits You May Not Know About Nepal

A mesmerizing place that adventurers, spiritual seekers, and mountaineers never get enough of

Victoria Kjos
The Shortform
Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2024


Flag of Nepal comprised of two pennant shapes of red color.
Photo by Sushil Basnet on Unsplash

Travel Channel aficionados, documentary lovers, National Geographic buffs, and wanderers share a common trait.

At some point, we’re bitten by the travel bug. If fortunate, we’ll traverse the globe to exotic, mesmerizing, or challenging places.

I have no travel bucket list except for Egypt and Antarctica…one down and one to go. Cultures vastly different from my own especially captivate me.

Nepal is one of those fascinating locales with breathtaking scenery, intriguing history, and phenomenal people.

✅ In 2008, its 240-year-old monarchy was replaced by a democracy.

✅ It is landlocked and sandwiched among India, Tibet, and China.

✅ In the Himalayas, Mt. Everest, the world’s tallest peak, is situated on the Nepal-Tibet border.

✅ It is the only country without a square or rectangular flag.

Story of a trip to see Mt. Everest:

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Victoria Kjos
The Shortform

"HI" writer. Sentimental Humanitarian. Lifelong Seeker. Vagabond. J.D. M.S., Exercise Science. Certified Yoga and Medical Qigong Teacher for 30 years.