Treaties Are Just “Ink On A Page”

An exercise in observance while convenient.

Dr Stuart Woolley
The Shortform


“Image generated using OpenAI’s DALL·E.””

The quote “it’s easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission” is very apt when it comes to companies who’re caught out bending, breaking, or just ignoring rules — especially when it comes to privacy or tax affairs.

The landmark” AI treaty signed by the UK and US recently reminded me of the following exchange from Babylon 5.

Londo Mollari: Mass drivers? They have been outlawed by every civilized planet!
Lord Antono Refa: These are uncivilized times.
Londo: We have treaties!
Lord Refa: Ink on a page

Often it takes years to hold companies to account, if ever, but countries regularly continue ignoring past promises and commitments.

Just look around you right now.

Treaties are indeed “ink on a page” when it comes to power, control, or just pure profit.



Dr Stuart Woolley
The Shortform

Worries about the future. Way too involved with software. Likes coffee, maths, and . Would prefer to be in academia. SpaceX, X, and Overwatch fan.