Trust Sells: The Secret to Persuading Customers Through Authenticity

Mansimar Singh
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readJun 11, 2023


It may be a product or a service which you are marketing, but the essence of business is Trust.

Why should someone give you their money?

You do not need to convince people that your product is superior. You need to make them believe that you solve problems like theirs for a living.

Show that you can solve their problems. That you have done it before.

People relate to others having the same issues and are interested in how they solved them.

Demonstrate that you have done the same thing for other people. That you’ll be glad to do it for them too.

1. Grasp the unsatisfied need of your client
2. Show examples of how you have done something similar for someone else.
3. The client’s need should be at the center of your product function
4. Testimonials, Images, and Videos of your past successes work best.



Mansimar Singh
The Shortform

Curiosity is the cure for boredom. There is no cure for curiosity. I write about Business, Programming, Psychology, and Books!