Two Cats, One Cheese Truck, and an Unexpected Twist!

Arslan Mirza
The Shortform
Feb 14, 2024


Image created by Author using Canva (Two cats sitting dejectedly side by side on the ground)

In a small town by the sea, Tom and Jerry squabble.

“I rule here,” claimed Tom.

“Not true,” Jerry countered.

A truck full of cheese rolled by.

They saw an opportunity.

“Whoever snags cheese is king,” Jerry said.

They leaped.

Tom landed hard, missing.

Jerry grabbed a wheel, which then escaped him.

His chase through town amused everyone but got him nothing.

When he came back, a dog was munching their prize.

“So, boss?” the dog teased.

Both cats sighed. “Truce?” offered Tom.

Jerry nodded, “Truce.”

They gave up on cheese heists, leaving that to dogs.


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Arslan Mirza
The Shortform

Technical Writer | Self-Taught Code Ninja | Programmer | Aggressively Unfancy | 2M+ views on Medium | ⚡ Support here https://arslanmirza.medium.com/membershiW