Waiting Too Long Makes a Good Idea Feel Bad

Nikhil Rajagopalan
The Shortform
Published in
Feb 15, 2022
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Last year, I gave myself food poisoning through undercooked kidney beans. I thought an article about it wouldn’t be interesting. But readers were curious to understand the science behind it. I almost convinced myself not to put something of value out there.

Not every idea needs to become an article, but if you are too hard on yourself, you never end up writing. When an idea strikes, you either develop it or sit on it. Learn to trust yourself and don’t wait too long. Start typing a little every day; it’ll form into something amazing.



Nikhil Rajagopalan
The Shortform

Medical writer in Toronto. Communicating serious science simply. Buy me a coffee if you’d like: https://ko-fi.com/nikhilrajagopalan