We Are All Here to Live an Amazing, Incredible Life. But How Is It Even Possible?

The Shortform
Published in
1 min readSep 13, 2023
Image Source: Foundation Marketing

I was listening to an episode of Create Like the Greats, a podcast by Ross Simmonds. This particular episode got me thinking about life. Here are a few things I jotted down while listening to the podcast:

  • Life is simple. It is the experience we have and the people we share that experience with.
  • Enjoy the process/the journey, rather than focusing on our desired state.
  • We need to stop focusing on expectations.
  • Be obsessed with the things you can control.
  • Life is hard. There will be challenges coming at you. Focus on things you can control. You cannot solve things that you have no control over.
  • Surround yourself with people who are solution-oriented.
  • People who see a problem, challenge, struggle, or something wrong with an organisation don’t just write about the problem. They think about a solution.
  • You need to be solution-oriented.



The Shortform

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