We are cold, you mother-f’s

Since the war started, we stopped heating the house.

Man is freezing behind a freezing window with ice
Picture by Federico Burgalassi on Unsplash

I haven’t checked temperatures in Russia and the north lately, but this
war-curse has hit us all on the hop. As we go through the harshest winter in fifty years, heating has become a luxury for many people. Even in the center of Europe, the supply of oil and gas is challenging. Seeing bills reach several hundred euros, most households have significantly reduced heating or abolished it altogether.
What is the Government doing?
— To whom, and how?
Nobody knows for sure.

I am writing these lines in a cold room.
A small, economy-heater, struggles to reach 12 degrees Celsius.
Freezing hands and feet give me cramps.
Do you feel the cold?
This is a miniature of war for the little man.
I will keep going. Curl up and move on.



Writer Thomas Piperis | ESCAPE Mediocrity
The Shortform

Dubbed “Data-Driven Story Teller”, Thomas is a Business Communication Pro, Performance Coach and Street Philosopher. I help people escape mediocrity in Life