We See Your Blatant Injustice

It ain’t pretty

Frank Views
The Shortform


Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

The FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida is a horrible injustice. We see right through that as a devious method to sway people against Trump.

You do that hoping to find something you can use against him, but all your previous efforts have failed. That is blatant injustice and it’s hypocritical since you never go after the real law-breakers.

Why didn’t you do the same type of raid on Hillary when she destroyed evidence deleting 30,000 emails and smashing her hard drives with a hammer?

Why don’t we see the FBI raiding Hunter Biden after discovering his laptop with incriminating evidence?

Why don’t they raid Nancy Pelosi’s home due to her husband’s insider trading?

You only go after the one man who is focused on giving America back to its rightful citizens.



Frank Views
The Shortform

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