Writing Challenge

Welcome to The 10-Day Shortform Challenge

What it’s all about

Tom F.
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readNov 3, 2021


Photo by Danka & Peter on Unsplash

In this section of our publication, you’ll get ten different challenges. Each of them is about writing a Shortform story for a specific prompt or idea. Due to displaying reasons, I had to present all challenges in this list:

What is Shortform again?

Shortform posts are Medium stories of up to 150 words.

What’s in it for you?

By taking part and completing the challenge, you can do your first step to make writing a habit. Consistency will clear the path to higher audience reach, engagement, and finally, earned money. Also, the different tasks are specifically curated into the challenge so you write about different topics and fuel your creativity.

You are kindly invited to submit your challenge pieces to The Shortform for publishing, although it is not mandatory.

Enough of the fluff, let’s get it on!



Tom F.
The Shortform

Engineer | SEO Writer | Dad of a GenAlpha Kiddo | Talking about Digital Parenting, Millennial Finance and the Power of Writing.