What Am I Most Afraid Of

And why

Aastha Gupta
The Shortform
May 30, 2024


Photo by Sanchay Bagul on Unsplash

As a kid I enjoyed travelling to hill stations with my family. Narrow roads, sharp U-turns and steep valleys didn’t bother me. Maybe because I was too naïve and young to notice these things. However as I grew older, I became wary of such hilly rides. There were two reasons:

  • motion sickness
  • the constant fear that my vehicle would topple down

One little miss and bam! It’s like experiencing the free fall we often imagine in our dreams.

I often wonder what this fear has got to do with adulthood? Maybe because as adults, we all our carry our inhibitions within us. We don’t want to let go off them: even if that means not taking any more road trips.



Aastha Gupta
The Shortform

Published Writer | German Linguist | Travel | Partition History | Hindi cinema | Sustainable Living | Poetry