What Happens When You Don’t Always Trust Your Gut

Thoughts On How To Live A Courageous Life

Maria Schlosser
The Shortform
Dec 2, 2022


Illustration by Maria Schlosser

There’s an image in your heart. Of a future waiting to be lived. It may seem small and insignificant in the grand scheme of life. But there it is, sneaking up on you. Waiting to be heard. And no matter how many times your try to push it away, it persists.

So what if today you take a closer look? And for a moment allow the image to stay.

Look closely and see what happens next. Surrender to what has been in your heart for so long. No matter how much your hands sweat or your body shakes. Screaming at you to not, under any circumstance, move forward.

Have the courage to take this small step. The one which makes all the difference.

The first baby step toward the future you deserve.



Maria Schlosser
The Shortform

passionate writer. voracious reader. enthusiastic traveler.