What I Hear When I Wake In The Morning

It’s The Start Of A Beautiful Day.

Carol Townend
The Shortform


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

“It’s morning, mummy,” My Grandson calls as soon as he wakes up.

“Would you like a coffee?” I ask my husband.

“I’ll kiss you for it!” he replies.

“Would you like me to make you and the kids cups of tea?” I ask my bleary-eyed daughter.

“That would be nice,” she replies.

I get a huge thank you from my husband, my daughter, and her children.

These are sounds I hear in the morning when I wake up.

It’s not stressful.

It’s the start of a beautiful day.



Carol Townend
The Shortform

You can visit my Amazon page here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Carol-Ann-Townend/e/B09GFV6C1C/ I have a big love for reading and writing poetry and fiction.