What if…?

How many times a day do you ask yourself this question?

All The Things by Heidi
The Shortform


Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Do you often contemplate how different decisions could affect the outcome of your life? Well, stop overthinking — it’s stressing you out!

Our decisions, good or bad, are ours to own; stand by them with confidence. I know, easier said than done especially if we’ve made the wrong choice for something major. Fret not my friend, there is always a solution if you need to make a change. It might not be easy or fun, but there is always another way. Stop asking yourself “What if?” If you chose to do something go with it; it’ll either work or it won’t, such is life. If we spend too much time going back and forth on our choices, we’ll eventually start to overanalyze every decision. Instead of thinking about what could be, live and embrace what is with confidence.



All The Things by Heidi
The Shortform

Taking a deep dive into all things lifestyle — A fresh outlook on Motivation, Positive Thinking, Health & Fitness, Food, and Finance.