What the Heck Are Voters Hoping to Achieve?

Voters are being manipulated.

Frank Views
The Shortform


Voting isn’t what it used to be!
Photo by Manny Becerra on Unsplash

There was a time when voters considered the issues affecting them. They studied the news, carefully determining opinionated and manipulative reports vs. true journalism.

They voted based on intelligent thoughts and concerns for their family, and the future of their country. They weren’t manipulated by those who hate America or who have a different agenda.

Now they’re brainwashed into electing people who want to completely change what our founding fathers had in mind when they wrote the Constitution.

Their minds are manipulated so much that their behavior is reduced to conformity and subservience.

Therefore, they no longer feel responsible for the damage caused by electing politicians that don’t care about them.

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Frank Views
The Shortform

Discussions related to matters of social awareness, life’s struggles, and controversial political issues that affect you.