What’s The Funniest Way Someone Got Your Name Wrong?

A short-form post is too short for this one!

Sarah Minnis
The Shortform


name label
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I got a letter yesterday addressed to Miss Minns. I sighed. Minnis isn’t a common surname in my part of England. But it isn’t difficult to spell!

Here are a few mistakes I’ve had in the past:

  • Mannis
  • Minus
  • Minute
  • Mintz
  • Menzies (the Scottish version of Minnis)
  • Munnif

Munnif? Munnif? What the heck?!

Munnif has become a long running joke now in our family. Whenever we talk about the mail or writing a letter one of my parents will always pipe up with the question-

“Was it addressed to Mrs Munnif?!”

My first name is Sarah and I’ve had a letter for Darah before (but the letters are close to each other on a keyboard so that’s a typo).

What’s the funniest way someone has mangled your name?



Sarah Minnis
The Shortform

I write about side hustles, productivity and creativity whilst trying to live an eco-friendly and happy life. I love learning new crafts, words and skills!