When Families Extend, Summer Holidays Are Not What They Used To

So, we’re not the typical family of five.

Adelina Vasile
The Shortform


We’re a family of five, with only one child. Living with my parents was a serious decision, but we’re going strong and reap the benefits while trying to keep challenges under control. Still, sometimes, I get struck by a revelation.

This time, it’s the summer holiday. Everywhere I look, families with only two adults make arrangements to send their kids off to their grandparents. So what are we supposed to do?

Well, we’re sending the grandparents on vacation. No, seriously. We do what everyone does — sending a few of the inhabitants somewhere else. For a break, a cool off, an opportunity to start missing us, and want to come back together with an uplifted mood.

Since we got into this, I’m curious to know what your summer arrangements are?



Adelina Vasile
The Shortform

Mother, educator, journalist, copywriter. I write about the things I need to learn myself.