When Is The Right Time To Walk Away?

Should I stay or should I go?

Marion | The Perspective Hub
The Shortform


Photo by Egor Vikhrev on Unsplash

We all know the feeling: we are deep in it. We are in this situation, relationship, job situation. Whatever it is. And we feel unhappy. Or unsettled. We don’t know, whether we should get up, pack our bags and leave. Because that very thing is important to us.

So, how do we decide whether it is worth fighting or necessary to walk out the door? Ask yourself this:

What is the real reason you are hesitating to end it?

Discomfort? Entering the unknown? Uncertainty? More work?

If the answer to the above question is something you can associate with the importance to you of the very thing you would leave, it might be worth giving it another try. It might be worth fighting hard.

If the answer to the above question is anything about fear of emptiness after it ends, then you should definitely walk away!



Marion | The Perspective Hub
The Shortform

Medium Top Writer and Editor for Real. I write about self-improvement, growth, and how to design the life you want.