Where IS Humanity?!

Truly devastating, Gaza has become a new, tragic graveyard for children, surpassing even the horrors of Hiroshima.

Nagwan Lashin
The Shortform
1 min readNov 7, 2023


CC: Motaz Azaiza — https://www.instagram.com

Today is November 7th, 2023, and this note is for the pages of history.

It’s a heart-wrenching truth that in Gaza, an entire city has become a resting place for children.

Israel claims it’s in the name of self-defense. Still, in the process of wiping an entire city from the face of the earth to further its political agenda of building settlements and eliminating the Palestinian presence, it sparks profound concerns about the state of our humanity.

The image you’re looking at is a snapshot from a video recorded by Motaz Azaiza, a journalist in Gaza. Please watch the full video and try to understand the fear this young child is experiencing.

Put yourself in the shoes of parents, imagine if it were your children in a similar situation.

Can you imagine how terrified he is?

Be human: don’t stop here. Continue to read, research, seek truth.



Nagwan Lashin
The Shortform

Muslim, Woman, Chief Chaos Commander of one Husband and two Kids. I write about religion, parenting, life, business and all the hilarious moments in between.