Short Story in Poetic Way

Where The Road Ends

A curious explorer unveils nature’s wonders where roads fade and discoveries begin.

The Daily Updater
The Shortform


Photo by Matt Duncan on Unsplash

Where the pavement ceases, the adventure begins
Into the embrace of nature’s mysteries, I’m pulled in
No more signs or mapped terrain to explore
Just wherever my wandering feet may stray for

The farther I tread from the ordered roads
The more of wild freedom my spirit forebodes
The terrain grows steeper yet on I trudge
As through this self-made trail I slog and drudge

Photo by Mukuko Studio on Unsplash

Clarity reigns in places vehicles can’t tread
Each step taking me deeper, those paths left for dead
New sights come in vision, new sounds fill the air
New aromas waft gently, sensations quite rare

As the road ended, the journey started anew
Each moment a treasure, the vistas now few
Have witnessed before from their paved thoroughfare
But here at the terminus, natures beauty laid bare

Photo by Vlad Bagacian on Unsplash



The Daily Updater
The Shortform