Why Break-Neck Speed is crucial for Business Success

Look up “Who succeeded on the first attempt” or any such wording on Google

Mansimar Singh
The Shortform


Go on.

Find me an invention or an idea that was successful on the first attempt.

I dare you.

No matter how much time you spend creating something, you won’t know whether it’ll be successful unless you launch it.

The sooner you launch, the sooner you’ll learn how well it works.
The sooner you can come out with the next improved iteration.

Iteration and improvement will eventually lead to perfection.

Little actions compound.

Let the butterfly flap its wings.

Respect small beginnings and trust them to create gigantic changes.

You can move fast in:

  • Initiatives — Launch that product. Now.
  • Routine Work— Mail invoices automatically, and get paid faster.
  • Workflows — Reduce the time between query and quotation.

When the iterations seem endless, remember this quote by the guy who invented the lightbulb:

When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: “you haven’t.”

Photo by Jonathan Chng on Unsplash



Mansimar Singh
The Shortform

Curiosity is the cure for boredom. There is no cure for curiosity. I write about Business, Programming, Psychology, and Books!