Why Do Home Makeover Shows Always Paint Everything White

And then have paint companies for sponsors?

Stephen Sovie
The Shortform


Photo by Phil on Unsplash

I like to watch home makeover shows on the HGTV network, but I have a beef with most hosts. Whenever the hosts tour the home, which eventually will be put up for sale, they always say that potential buyers don’t like colored walls. I say, “Bulls*it”!

When we bought our home, every frigging room was white, which reminded me of a ward in a mental hospital. After moving into our new home, we painted the great room blue, the kitchen yellow, and the dining room red, my favorite color. We painted the upstairs bedrooms coral, mint green, and apricot. Did I say I love colors?

I have a question about these shows, though. If they insist on painting every room a sterile white, why are the sponsors of these shows always paint companies that advertise every color of the rainbow?



Stephen Sovie
The Shortform

A liberal retiree who loves writing about politics, social issues, my pets and my life experiences. You can buy me coffee here, https://ko-fi.com/stephensovie