Why Do I Drink Lemon Water Every Day?

Maria Valevsky
The Shortform
Published in
Aug 17, 2021

Should you drink lemon water every day? Cucumber water, then?

Yellow background with a hand holding a lemon
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Drinking lemon water is an essential part of my daily routine.

Why is that?

There are a lot of health benefits of drinking lemon water and adding lemon to your meals.
Vitamin C, hydration, fresh breath, just to name a few.

But that’s not why I do it.

I drink lemon water because I enjoy drinking lemon water.
Smell, texture, view, taste. It brings me joy.

I honestly believe it’s incredible that many people nowadays strive for a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, many of us forget to listen to our own bodies in pursuit of a miracle cure.

Listen to yourself. What can bring you a small piece of joy every day?

It’s lemon water for me. So… Cucumber water for you?



Maria Valevsky
The Shortform

Writer | Exploring the Worlds of Mental Health, Culture & Media | Twitter/Instagram @mariavalevsky