Why I Started A Personal Blog (And Why You Should Also)

My blog, AaronJosephHall.com, is my hub — it’s the place I use to point back to from Medium and Substack.

Aaron Joseph Hall
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readMay 8, 2023


Photo by Fikret tozak on Unsplash

I love Medium and I think you should keep writing here! But there is great value (and security) in having your own “space” that’s not owned by anyone else.

I don’t think it’s best to write only on rented space (social media platforms like Medium or Linkedin).

My blog, AaronJosephHall.com, is my hub — it’s the place I use to point back to from Medium and Substack.

Why haven’t you started a blog yet?

What are the reasons you have for not starting a blog? Write them down. Are they legit or just excuses?

I use Ghost, which is super easy to set up and use. It’s like WordPress (but better, in my opinion). Plus, you can start out on Ghost(Pro) for only $11 a month!

2023 is a great time to start a blog! Share in the comments the URL to your blog! I would love to check it out!



Aaron Joseph Hall
The Shortform

I’m Aaron! I'm a Christian, husband, dad, & writer from South Florida. Read my writing: https://www.growingintruthdaily.org/