Why Success Seems To Elude You

The price you pay for relativity

The Shortform
1 min readDec 24, 2023


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

In my younger years, I had a clear idea of success — the classic tale of studying hard, acing exams, and climbing the ladder to achieve it.

However, as time passed, my perception of success evolved.

While the fundamentals of hard work and perseverance remain the same, I’ve come to realize that the definition of success can be elusive.

‘Predictably Irrational’ by Dan Ariely sheds light on the concept of our tendency to assess everything relatively, from prices to success.

You may attain your dream house and car, but when compared to your neighbour’s grander possessions, your success might start feeling inadequate.

When viewed through the lens of relativity, every success can, at times, appear as a failure.

Understanding this notion enriches our perception of success, but also leaves us with the lingering question:

Is the relentless pursuit leading us to success, or is it, in fact, a mirage we’re chasing?

