Fresh start

Why We Should Be Grateful for A New Year

Limitless opportunities for recovery and growth

Verbieann Hardy
The Shortform


The challenges of this year, summarized by a friend as “ The Job-like” year stretched support systems during storms, illnesses, and deaths.

Our survival relied on us taking the next step forward, one foot in front of the other, rather than on some grand strategy.

This assures us we have the skills and strength to cope with whatever unfolds in the New Year. Several millennia ago, an Israeli leader assured his people (Deuteronomy 33:25)

“… Your strength will equal your days.”

It remains a promise for all people throughout 2024. We can give thanks for the opportunities ahead.



Verbieann Hardy
The Shortform

Striving to follow Jesus. I write about life, faith, and relationships as I age with grateful grit. Please support my work through stories.