Why You Need To Follow Your Own Advice (And How To Do It Right)

Maha Ahmed
The Shortform
Published in
Aug 19, 2022
Two people reach out their hands to help each other
Hannah Busing on Unsplash

We’ve all been there.

We go over and beyond to listen, empathize and find a way to assist people. Every possibility seems so obvious. Sometimes, it’s so frustrating to see the answer straight away when the other one can’t.

It gets more complicated when it’s time to step out of our comfort zone.

Everything shuts down. You can’t get out of yourself. And even when you do, you’d rather try anything than listen to yourself.

The answer?

Imagine what you would say to a friend in that situation.

  • How should they approach the issue?
  • What should they consider?
  • What strategy should they adopt?
  • Where to start?

Still not convinced?

Remind yourself why you gave that advice.

Think about :

  • What would happen if you acted as you should?
  • How would you feel?



Maha Ahmed
The Shortform

Nicheless creator. I write about everything that comes in my mind but mostly on self-improvement and writing. Read more here : https://twitter.com/heymaha