Why You Should Ignore Willpower

And still, get s*** done

Nela Canovic
The Shortform


Photo by Zac Ong on Unsplash

Because willpower is time-limited.

You feel it in the morning and it’s easy to make plans.

By midday, you forget most of it.

To make a change, know WHY you’re doing it.

How will a workout routine benefit you?

What will a positive habit do for you in six months?

Of course, this won’t be easy. You’ll face distractions and obstacles.

Use them to challenge yourself to stay on track.

Make a plan — in writing.

Write down what you want to do every day of the week, in one or two-hour increments.

Remember who created the plan.

Not a parent, teacher, or boss — YOU.

So do it.

Practice right now.

When you’re done reading this, step away and practice something you haven’t had time for lately.

Do it only for 5 minutes.

Tomorrow, do it again.

And forget willpower. It’s overrated anyway.



Nela Canovic
The Shortform

Growth mindset hacker, writer, Silicon Valley entrepreneur.