Why You Should Make Mistakes More Often?

Mistakes take you on a journey to your inner self. Reflect!

Anna A Techer
The Shortform
Dec 30, 2022


An old man behind a door surprised.
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash


1. Mistakes make you human.

Nobody’s perfect. Maybe writing this article was a mistake.)

2. Mistakes are unpredictable.

Mistakes demonstrate you are not God! But, maybe you made a mistake!;)

3. Mistakes make you humble.

Only if you learn from them. Yes, this bullet point is the tricky one.

In some areas, we’re still children, we struggle, we fall, we cry, we wonder, and we learn.

You’ll be hurt. You’ll feel bad. You’ll evolve.

Mistakes keep you on the right path.



Anna A Techer
The Shortform

Life is A-Maze-Ing... Working my way through it! Content writer | Entrepreneur | Deal breaker