Let’s all stroll…

Sabriga Turgon
The Shortform


Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

Who knows a scene in a movie where a character strolls down a street, carefree and whistling when suddenly… nothing terrible happens.

They just keep going along, whistling and thinking life is just all INSOUCIANT.



Honestly, THE NERVE! Don’t they know every day is for worry, stress, fear, hiding, and grief?

Wait, what do you mean it ain’t? That sounds awfully like you’re a closet insouciant (yep, changing that adjective to a noun, right before our very eyes :-)

Those insouciant folks make the world go round. They make us giggle even in the midst of our pain. They wink at us at just the right moment to make us spit our coffee/beer/milk.

I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t survive without them. Every single day. Especially when it’s raining.

Proclaim your vocab superiority (or just start conversations) with products from t-shirts to stickers to mugs at https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/109872345



Sabriga Turgon
The Shortform

People lover & realistic optimist who encourages goodness in all things. Ghostwriter Global—let’s get that book out of your head & onto paper.