Women Of Romance


Erie Astin
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readJan 9, 2023


Image created by author with Midjourney AI, all rights reserved

Guinevere at the bridge,
Stolen wand in her hand.
Fear not — she’ll put it back.

She’ll put back her hair, as befits the Queen of Camelot.
She’ll put back her lyre, with no more heart to sing.
Everything tight, everything proper, as it should be.

But ah… for a breath of magic!
To cross to a land of green!
Who is coming? Someone from a dream.

Aphrodite afraid of love,
Aphrodite hiding
From herself.
Aphrodite forgetting
She’s immortal,
Living life after life in disguise.

Cleopatra —
The Egyptian breeze,
Faint as baby’s breath,
Kisses my cheek.

My lover lies in bed beside me,
The air hot and smelling of the desert.
We loll on our pillows,
Loath to leave our comfortable nest
To start another day
Of tasks and tiredness and routine.



Erie Astin
The Shortform

Travel writer. -- Humanist, animal lover, eternal striver. -- From Montana.