Why Our Existence Is the Greatest Measure of Worth

Reclaiming intrinsic worth beyond external achievements

Jesse Wilson
The Shortform


Worth — An undeniable measure, Dandelion seed against a blue sky background
Dandelion Seeds — Image by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay

In almost every action and challenge we face, our understanding and sense of worth determine our approach and relationship to the outcome.

But what is worth?

Worth, in simplest terms, is our approximation to what we value, often defined by what we have experienced and hope to experience.

Worth, often confused with self-esteem, can be measured in so many ways and is both objective and subjective.

Objective because we live in a physical world defined by sequence and hierarchies. Because of this, the challenge we often face is to base our worth on our perception of our relative position.

When we chase proof of our worth, we lose sight of our intrinsic value, and the inevitable questions arise: am I deserving? Am I enough?

In contrast, the miracle of each day we are here is proof of a 100% survival rate—an undeniable measure of worth.



Jesse Wilson
The Shortform

Writer | Poet - Inspiring people to find their purpose and live healthier, happier, more loving, and fulfilled lives.