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Write And Publish As If You’ll Never Run Out Of Ideas

Karen Rosinger
The Shortform
Published in
Apr 22, 2023


How many drafts do you currently have sitting in your draft folder?

How many times have you thought to yourself: I won’t be publishing this piece because:

  1. Why bother, no one’s ever going to read it.
  2. The idea is stupid.
  3. I’m really not that not good a writer.

In order to have a chance of succeeding as a writer on Medium (whatever your measure of success is), you have to have faith in yourself and believe that you will never run out of ideas.

Don’t save ‘your best piece’ just in case it might be your last.

If you’re serious about writing and take yourself seriously, your access to the well of words will always be open to you.

Why not finish one of your drafts today and hit ‘publish’?



Karen Rosinger
The Shortform

Writer of anything I find interesting or am curious about. Mixing seriousness with the absurd and a sense of humor through various genres. Knitting is my drug.