Write Faster, Think Freer: The Creative Energy Of Dictation for First Drafts

Liberate your subconscious

The Shortform
1 min readJun 21, 2024


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Are you an inhibited first drafter?

Does your mind freeze if faced with a flashing cursor on a blank screen or blank paper?

Your content idea may be great but you’re creatively constipated to break the ice and begin.

I share your dilemma. I’ve been here many times.

Maybe the solution is dictation.

I’ve found dictation liberating — especially for a first draft.

Before you believe that dictation is your panacea, consider these three questions.

Are you comfortable dictating and allowing your subconscious to take over? Not everyone is comfortable. Be confident and try.

Do you have a decent microphone that is formatted to work on your device?

Nothing expensive. Modern technology at its finest.

Do have good dictation software?

The best software is expensive. If you’re serious about integrating dictation into your creative process, it’s worth the investment

To write faster, and liberate your subconscious, try dictation



The Shortform

Writer, Expired Honorary Law Professor, Life Coach, Interested Observer from the Boomer Generation