Write Like Someone is Reading Your Work

Because eventually someone will be reading it

Life not abrupt (L.n.a.)
The Shortform


Photo by Alexandra Fuller on Unsplash

Hi freshie writer,

For our start on Medium:

The biggest question we have is, will anybody read my work?

Ultimate Tip

Don’t worry. We’ll find out that yes some “one” will read our work. “One” will become “two”, “two” will become “three”, and so on. As a freshie writer on Medium, the best thing to do from the beginning is to write as if you already have a reader. Doing this is being prepared for what will come.

You’ll be pleased that you sowed (put in the work unnoticed) and reap the harvest (your writings gaining attention).

Bonus Tip

Metrics are an discouragement to our confidence as a freshie writer, so do yourself a favor and ignore them as you build your online writing home.

All stories in this series.

Medium Writing Tips for Beginners: The Freshie Writer Basics

9 stories



Life not abrupt (L.n.a.)
The Shortform

Introvert who📝under a brand name | Medium's home to my journeys as a Black young woman: faith✝️, higherEd📚, environment🌎, & more |↪️