Your Job Is Not Your Identity

In case you need to hear it.

Mia Olsson
The Shortform
Nov 26, 2021


Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

Since quitting my 9–5 earlier this year, I am increasingly aware of how close we tend to link work to identity.

Perhaps even to our value as people — whether referring to status, contribution to society, or else.

Consciously or unconsciously.

We ask about work all the time.

But if jobs are synonymous with identities, where does that leave those who don’t fit into the pre-defined boxes commonly accepted by society?

(And honestly, who does?)

We are all unique individuals with more depth and breadth than any title can ever begin to explain.

So much more than (our job) titles.

My friend habitually starts conversations asking people to describe a regular day in their lives.

Other than work-related questions, this opens up for each individual to choose what’s important to them.



Mia Olsson
The Shortform

Freelance writer with experience from the public, non-profit and startup sectors. Moved country 10 times. Lifelong learner.