You’re Not Living the Life You Dreamt of as a Child.
Forget maths and English: the one skill every child should learn in primary school
Self-discipline is the bridge that connects desire to reality.
It spans the gulf between wishes and attainment, invisible and visible, nonexistent and existent.
But the bridge is long (needs time), steep (needs effort), treacherous (needs smartness) and has an expensive toll fee (needs money).
Time + Effort + Smartness + Money.
If any of these are missing, then a major support beam on the bridge is absent and you end up falling into the gorge as you try to cross from dream to reality.
I got the power
Self-discipline is the inner power that converts desire into reality.
No self-discipline, no actualisation of your dreams.
Dream as much as you want, but also get on the self-discipline bridge.
Your dreams are like trapped birds in your mind. Self-discipline frees those birds from their cage into the world, into existence.
Gain self-discipline, gain the world.