You Are What You Think

“You are what you think all day long” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sagrika Oberoi
The Shortform


Photo by Rebe Pascual on Unsplash

The quality of your thoughts decides your reality in life.

When we think of upgrading our lives, we tend to think something outside can bring us happiness and contentment.

We wander around in life hopping from one thing to another, in search of happiness and peace. The happiness obtained from the outer world is momentary. It will fade with time.

The happiness, bliss, and pleasure that you seek outside lies within you.

it’s the nature of your thoughts that makes you miserable or joyful in life. Conditioning your inner environment in the right way can help you be at peace with yourself.

Spending time alone and paying attention to your thoughts can give a rough idea. They show where your life is directed. It can also explain why you feel as you do. Your thoughts, words, and speech should be in sync to help you create the life you want.



Sagrika Oberoi
The Shortform

Researcher and writer, passionate about improving my life, Talks about personal growth, health, lifestyle and spirituality.🌸 connect-