10 BIG Mistakes Small Etsy Shops STILL MAKE

And How To Fix Them

Eleanor Annay
The Side Hustle Club


As one Etsy seller to another, I would like to share some insights about common mistakes that some small Etsy shops are still making. Let’s dive right into it, there is no reason to stall.

1. Neglecting SEO

Imagine having a fantastic product, but no one can find it. Many small Etsy shops overlook the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Using relevant keywords helps customers discover your products and your shop.

Research relevant keywords for your products, use them in your titles and descriptions and watch your shop climb the search rankings.

Also, SEO isn’t just about keywords; it’s about understanding your audience. Dive into the minds of your potential customers. What are they searching for? How can your products fulfill their needs? Tailor your listings to cater to your target audience.

2. Lack of Consistent Branding

Your shop is like your favorite coffee spot — customers should recognize it immediately. From your shop banner to product photos, maintain a cohesive look that reflects your unique style.

Consistency is the key to building a brand that customers recognize and trust. Maintaining a consistent color…

