10 Platforms Looking for Writers: You Can Procure Up To $600 Per Article

Do you get a kick out of the chance to build your degree of income? Feature your expertise to any of these outlets!

Abdulrahman Hassan
The Side Hustle Club
5 min readAug 3, 2022


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Assuming you are hoping to compose your most memorable independent article or increment the level of your profit, you might be thinking about how much cash it will acquire you. The response to this question relies upon what kind of article you are composing and who will be paying you to compose it. Independent scholars can acquire up to great bucks per article, contingent upon what they are being paid to compose and where they will distribute the article on the web. Notwithstanding, here is a rundown of astonishing distributions that can cause you to procure up to $600 per article. A portion of these distributions might try and pay you more.

  1. Insider

This is a magazine for worldwide news. They are looking for journalists for pitches for stories. Their installment rate for include stories normally begins at $1 for each word composed. Assuming that you are keen on this and you had wanted to find out about the gig posting, then go to this page.

2. Nurall

Could it be said that you are an expert telecommuter? If yes or no, there is something you want to be aware of this distribution; the essential point of the Nurall outlet is to offer significant advisers for proficient telecommuters. Their principal objective is to assist those gifted telecommuters with investigating the overall areas. To stop it, they are looking out for nearby specialists who can compose objective aides for Berlin, Madeira, and Medellin. More on this, it will be an or more on the off chance that you have sound information about collaborating spaces. They will pay you $400 for an aide of 2000 words. In the event that you are intrigued to know more, go to this page.

3. Well known Mechanics

This is a distribution that focuses its inclinations on innovation, science, math, military, aviation, including auto news. They are requiring an essayist who can turn into a steady patron. As a consistent supporter, you will be ordered to work inseparably with their delegate supervisor interestingly. All the while, on the off chance that your work is a solid match, they will start to deal with around 4 tasks every month. They will pay you $5400 for a brief tale of around 600-word. Assuming you are sending and profoundly revealed piece, you will get $1 for each word you compose. The word count for a profoundly detailed is supposed to be around 800-word. Peruse more about them here!

4. Rolling Stone

Do you cherish expounding on governmental issues, music, and mainstream society? Thus, in the event that you have undisclosed news that general society is yet to be aware of, you can send them a pitch about it. Their installment rate begins from $0.25 to $1.00 for each word. For more data, I prescribe you to reach them straightforwardly through this page

5. The Daily Dot

This is a page that spotlights on the accompanying points: Web culture, and life on the web. They look for contributes the areas of web culture, sports, and race. Does this distribution impact you? On the off chance that it does, give it a strike and you will procure $450 or something else for an effective endorsed article. All the more thus, the normal word count is around 800-word to 1,200-word. Additionally, you are supposed to refer to 1 to 3 sources. For additional subtleties, allude to this page.

6. Each

This is a bulletin stage that exclusively centers on business. What they do is create examination and discourse — and one of the entertaining things is that the essayist is according to the viewpoint of an expert. The stage has another Publication Lead who is inviting pitches. Thus, in the event that you’re business slanted or you want to think of an exceptional business piece, then, at that point, you can try it out. For the most part, they truly do pay $500 per acknowledged story. To get more data, allude to this page

7. The Sun

This distribution is England’s biggest and most notable magazine. They are continually trying to commission and engage contributes from independent essayists this category: personal money or cash. They are additionally searching for scholars for the Sun Savers. Additionally, they for the most part pay from £150 to £250 for each component article. If you have any desire to find out more, then, at that point, scurry up to this page.

8. Bustle

Do you very much want to expound on design, diversion, and way of life? Indeed, in the event that you do, this journal will be an ideal fit for you. The Bustle is a distribution planned exclusively for young ladies. Thus, the senior supervisor of the style classification is looking for potential scholars who can survey a chest folio. They will pay you $250 per story. In the event that you are keen on this, go to this page to figure out more data.


Do you have energy or involvement with expounding on innovation, cost correlation, how-tos, audits, and others? Indeed, In the event that you do? Then I will strikingly say that this journal is an ideal counterpart for you. The CNET is a website page that spotlights on conveying or giving the most recent news from innovation, cost examination, how-tos content, surveys, etc. In any case, they are searching for a more essayist center around shopping and furthermore can commit at least 20 hours every week. They will pay you $35 each hour. All the more thus, this occupation is a remote position. Thusly, on the off chance that you are intrigued, return to this page for more data.

10. Gizmodo

This is a web-based distribution that spotlights on science and innovation. By and by Gizmodo has a media organization with Efficiency expert. Thus, Efficiency expert is a site page that gives incredible tips about little known techniques and efficiency. They are searching for independent scholars They are searching for independent authors who can do 1–2 Website design enhancement driven rest or wellness items surveys close by week by week roundups. They will pay you &4000 to $500 for a fruitful supported story. Return to this website page for more data.

Want you to enjoy all that life has to offer!



Abdulrahman Hassan
The Side Hustle Club

Hardwork is the key to success, A passionate and dedicated writer.