2 Years Of Passive Income, Review #2

Saoire O' Brien
The Side Hustle Club
8 min readJul 1, 2022


I started various income streams on Medium, YouTube, Redbubble, and Amazon and invested in Crypto, 2 years ago during the pandemic, here are the results so far.

Image: Screenshot of ‘Skyscape’ design on various products, owners own.

After 2 years of leaving various projects out there to just tick along with little to no extra input or work on my behalf ( more details to come ), I can safely come to certain conclusions when it comes to “passive income”.

In the absence of something that goes magically viral or becomes a hot new trend for you, you need to work for your passive income and continue to work and establish yourself within your chosen income streams before you have any hope of it becoming “passive”, otherwise there’s no real income at all. That’s it. That’s the whole story in a nutshell.

Sure there are one-hit wonders out there that earn their creators an impressive return for their efforts, but the rest of us are just chasing a dream or should I say, end up working really hard for that dream!

I started a variety of passive income streams. I spent a few months researching them and setting them up during the time off I had during the pandemic. You can read more details on it in my 1 Year Review article HERE. I didn’t pour huge amounts of money into it, however, I did dedicate a good bit of time and at the very least, I was hoping for a trickle of income that would help…

