3 Lazy Passive Income Ideas Anybody Can Do [up to $2,000/month]

Gigi Creates
The Side Hustle Club
4 min readSep 9, 2022
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I’m going to share 3 lazy passive income ideas you can try to start making money on the side. I do all three of these and have made over $2,000/month from them.

Passive income is the dream, in terms of income streams.

You lay a foundation in the beginning to activate the money-producing income stream that requires little to no effort in the future.

There are plenty of ways to go about this like…

  • Earning dividends from your investments
  • Investing in rental properties (Arrived Homes can help)
  • Selling courses (I use Teachable)

And, other ways.

So, let’s get to it.

3 Passive Income Ideas for Lazy People

Not to call you lazy but, a lazy income idea is one that doesn’t require a lot, either in the setup phase or maintenance phase. That’s appealing to a lot of people who already feel strapped in managing their busy lives.

  1. Sell ebooks
  2. Affiliate marketing
  3. Sell courses

Selling ebooks

This is about writing a book on a topic you’re knowledgeable or passionate about and selling it to the masses.

I’ve written books in a weekend before. It’s not as hard as you might be thinking.

Put your thoughts on paper, create an outline, start writing, put it together, design your book format and cover. Then, publish it!

I like Gumroad but you can publish on other platforms as well like Amazon KDP, Sendowl, etc.

I have made over $2,000/month from ebook publishing alone, as a passive income source.

And, the more books you publish, the more you can possibly make.

Affiliate marketing

Wait, don’t roll your eyes yet.

Affiliate marketing is easy, really.

You’re referring products to your audience and if they buy, you earn a commission.

Example 1: You refer a Costco membership to your readers on Medium. Three people buy using your affiliate link. You make money! (if you get $30/person, that’s $90 in commissions!)

Example 2: You refer a podcast distribution platform service to your email list. Ten people buy it using your affiliate link and you earn money! (if you get $15/person per month, you made $150/month!)

With affiliate marketing, you’ll lay the foundation, inserting your links to your affiliate programs and then earn money in your sleep as people click your link and buy.

You can promote via: email marketing, social media, content marketing, using your YouTube channel, blogging, vlogging, etc.

If you’re curious about how to pursue this, search Medium for “Medium affiliate marketing” and you’ll see ways other people are earning thousands with Medium + affiliate marketing.

This course is a favorite. It taught me affiliate marketing an I 10X’d my income literally, within weeks of taking it:

You can also search the internet for a wealth of ideas on how to do this well and make money.

Sell courses

This is like the ebook idea but courses are more expansive.

You’re going to bundle the content into a curriculum, where it’ll be organized in lessons or modules (or both).

It might sound overwhelming but, you’ll get the hang of it.

I’ve been using Teachable for years for this. Their platform is really built for creators. All you do is put your course on your Teachable account and publish it. They take care of handling payment and distribution of the course to your student. And, they pay you!

You can use other platforms too, like Thinkific, Kajabi, or others.


So, those are 3 passive income ideas to make money that anybody can do!

Multiple income streams are super important. If you rely on one sole income stream, what happens if that income disappears?

It happened to me before and it was difficult to recover.

Now, I have nearly 10 income streams and I can sleep more soundly at night. I know if one or even a few of the income streams evaporate, I have the other income to keep me afloat.

What are some passive income ideas you’ve tried?

Which one of these are you considering?

Note: Affiliate links are included in this article



Gigi Creates
The Side Hustle Club

6+ Year Blogger. Finance Enthusiast. Lover of Coffee and Getting into Reading Books This Year.