3 Side Hustles You’ve Never Heard Of But Can Start Today

Earn $1,500 per month letting dogs take dumps in your yard

Marx D.
The Side Hustle Club


Photo by Bram van Baal on Unsplash

There are several side hustles we all learn about on a daily basis. Whether it’s writing online, reselling or offering a paid course, we’ve all heard some variation of the same few popular gigs.

It makes sense. Why reinvent the wheel when you don’t need to?

I recently started a website dedicated to making money from various side hustles, and it got me thinking.

What are some side hustles that fly under the radar? You know, odd jobs people are doing but aren’t being circulated.

I did some digging and found a laundry list full of unknown side hustles. From this list, there were three that stuck out to me as side jobs you can start making money from today but are super lowkey.

Here’s what they are.

Bug bounty hunter

After becoming a website owner and trying my hardest to prevent spam from my site, I discovered a side gig called a bug bounty hunter.

There are hackers out there who target websites and hack into their vulnerabilities. Maybe there’s an opportunity for your entire email list to be exposed or the comment section of your website can…

