3 Steps To Starting Your First Side Hustle As An Online ESL English Teacher

Caryn Leach-Smith
The Side Hustle Club
4 min readJun 13, 2022


Photo by Samantha Borges on Unsplash

Most people have no idea what it’s like to work online as an ESL English teacher and wrongly believe starting a side hustle teaching is going to be easy.

I was one of those people.

It’s been a long journey and I’ve learnt a lot. I’ve clocked up well over 10,000 online sessions. If I had to start over, there are 3 things I would want to know when starting out.

If you are thinking of starting a side hustle teaching online or want to get better results, here are 3 important lessons you need to master to succeed online.

1. Shift Your Mindset

It’s not just about the teaching.

You can be the cleverest, most knowledgeable teacher in the world, but if your customer service skills suck, you will not get students.

It’s a brutal lesson but it’s true.

Your business depends on your ability to interact positively with students. No one wants to go into a shop where the service is bad. It’s the same for students. People, like people who like them.

Make customer service your key priority.

As an ESL teacher, you are always going to have a constant supply of…



Caryn Leach-Smith
The Side Hustle Club

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