6 Common Mistakes New Etsy Sellers Make

And how to fix them

Eleanor Annay
The Side Hustle Club


Photo by Santa Barbara on Unsplash

As an Etsy seller myself, I understand the difficulties of running an online business. That’s why I want to share with you my experience of what it’s like to be a new Etsy seller and help you avoid getting complacent and quitting your Etsy business before you’ve even given it a shot.

1. Using less than 13 tags

This is the most common mistake new Etsy sellers make. Not only is important to put the relevant keywords in tags, but it is also equally important to use all 13 of them.

Use tools like eRank, Marmalead, Allura, or Sales Samurai to find the best long-tail keywords that can be used as tags.

2. Description without keywords

Keywords are meant to be placed not only in tags and titles but also in descriptions. Of course, avoid keyword stuffing because it’s bad for SEO.

When writing a product description you should have your audience in mind and put the most important information in the first paragraph. Avoid copying the title word by word in the description.

