Blogging 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Write an Effective Blog Post

Craft Magical Posts to attract Your Readers

Misha Naraniya
The Side Hustle Club
5 min readAug 16, 2023


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Before stepping into the Blogging World, I didn’t know the “ABCD of it”. You know what, all I used to consider Blogging is what — where you write some random posts and earn attractive money. And you don’t have to do much hard work in this, just you have to write articles and you will get a lot of money.

This was my thought process about Blogging. How wrong I was, naa!

Initially, I didn’t know about Hosting, Domain Name, Niche, SEO and all.

All I just thought I should make a Blog, and yes, I also didn’t know the above things then I made my Blog on WordPress for free. I used to post random content there.

After posting some 10–12 articles, I deleted it. Because I wasn’t making a single penny through it (I thought about money).

Then I made a second blog on and here too I post random content such as travel, health, songs, movies, etc. And the same story, no money, nothing, and deleted it too. (This time too I thought about money)

Writing a blog post is not as easy as I used to consider it. It needs a lot of hard work, dedication, research, and commitment.

But when the time gradually passed and I got to know about Content Writing, Freelancing, Blogging through LinkedIn and here on Medium.

And I started creating content on both Linkedin and Medium. I also spent my time on YouTube to learn about Blogging.

Here I must say that YouTube is the best school to learn things and that too for free, so make the most out of YouTube.

Only then, I got to know about SEO, Niche-based content, hosting, and domain name authority.

After that, I made up my mind to create a Blog and this time I will do my best. I will do whatever is needed to create a blog — Hosting and domain name.

And this time, my goal is to offer amazing and relevant content to my target audience. I got to know their pain points, so I started working for them.

I listed down different Niches on my Excel sheet and then picked up my Niche and started working on it.

Ever since I took blogging seriously. I realized how time-consuming it is to write an effective blog post. But I love Blogging because I love to solve the pain points of my target audience.

We all do make mistakes but we learn from them, because mistakes are part of life.

I’ve seen many videos, joined webinars, and read various articles about how to write an effective blog post.

Everyone has their own perspective.

And you know Blogging is not a 3-month or 6-month training program, in which you attended some classes and you gotcha everything. NO.

It is an everyday learning process.

What you actually need to write in an epic blog post, that attracts your target audience. There are some steps to writing an epic blog post which I’m gonna share so your reader can find their answer and your blog starts to rank in Google:

1. Choose Your Favorite Niche

This is the first thing that every Blog needs. Choose a topic or niche. As I have told you, You must be interested in the topic which you have chosen.

There is no shortcut formula. All you need to do hard work on that.

But your Niche must follow trends. For this, you need to do thorough research.

2. An eye-grabbing and well-optimized Title

Let’s dive into this:

Example Number 1:

I do Yoga daily


I did Yoga for 30 days — Here are my results!

Example Number 2:

I have built my Personal Brand


The Ultimate Guide to Building a Strong Personal Brand: Everything You Need to Know.

Did you get about these examples?

Yes, you got the right thing, what a blog needs — an impressive title.

The title is the main core of any blog. If it is eye-catchy then your reader will definitely click on it.

3. Stick to catchy Hook

What is this hook after all?

A hook is the first line of the post or article that grabs your audience’s attention, pushing them to see more in your content.

Would you believe that 95% success of your post depends on this hook?

Yes, your blog’s success solely depends on this catchy hook:

4. Amazing Body or Vast Content

Here, all the information of your topic is in listicle form or informative form, or in the form of sub-headings.

Don’t write in long paragraphs as they are not interesting to read. It seems like a burden when we read long paragraphs. Divide it into sections so that readers thoroughly enjoy it.

Make sure that you must keep your sentences short, clear, and concise, and avoid any jargon.

5. Appropriate Images

Whenever you put any image in your blog post, it should be according to your blog post. It is most important to put an image in your blog post because it attracts readers.

A well-chosen image can help in your blog post. Sometimes readers like your post even after seeing the image. And add an alt text for a better SEO.

6. Conclusion or Short Summary

You have written at least 1500 to 2000 posts, but if you do not include a conclusion or a summary in it, then your post is considered incomplete because conclusions are very important. Suppose your reader is in a hurry, then they can take the idea by reading the conclusion part of what is your post about.

7. A good CTA to click on

A CTA or Call to Action part of a blog post is to convince your readers to click on it. If it is written correctly, then it motivates your readers. For example, if you have a newsletter then you can add the link to your blog and convince your readers to take some action on it,

  • Join my free Newsletter!
  • Follow my Instagram/LinkedIn account!
  • Buy Now!
  • Get the Free trial!

These are some examples you can add to your blog.

Final Words

Writing an epic blog post is not easy but gradually practicing will help you write blog posts. I am too not a master at writing blog posts because it is a learning process. Every day we learn something interesting in the world of Blogging, so never skip the learning process. Because blogging needs — learning.

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Misha Naraniya
The Side Hustle Club

Blogger! Freelance Content Writer! Co-author! Writing is my Passion! Coffee Lover! Join my newsletter here: