Commitment issues? —What I’ve learned from guiding people towards their growth goals.

Isabella Hoesch
The Side Hustle Club
3 min readOct 7, 2023

Building Commitment in the World of Upskilling

person at laptop during sunset
Photo by Simon Abrams on Unsplash

“So, Codum is like a Tinder for Techies?”

This question often arises when people first hear about Codum, the accountability platform my sister Tatjana and I co-founded to help people reach their learning goals in tech.

While the comparison to dating apps might be amusing, Codum is far from it. Instead of fleeting matches, Codum nurtures lasting accountability partnerships. It’s a space where mutual support, knowledge exchange, and accountability mechanisms drive individuals toward their tech upskilling goals.

Regardless, platforms that connect human individuals and build community around shared interests, naturally share similar challenges.

At match-making and community-based platforms, the users’ education, intention, and behavior directly influence the platform’s reputation.

If, for example, your users are poorly educated and rude idiots, your platform will be associated with exactly that, no matter how good the UX is or how well the tech is built.

A platform with committed, supportive, and curious users thrives on the other end, and that’s the community we aim to cultivate at Codum.

The Social Yet Lonely Path to Upskilling:

The Codum journey began with a realization: while learning is inherently social, upskilling can often feel isolating. The demand for new tech skills is soaring, but without a supportive community, many feel left in the dark. From my own experiences as a perpetual learner, I recognized that setting goals was just the beginning. With a partner for mutual support and a collaborative environment, many aspirations go fulfilled.

Our solution? Codum pairs like-minded individuals into accountability partnerships. These pairs, with shared goals, motivate and support each other, all while using a gamified platform to plan and track their progress.

Addressing the Ghosting Dilemma:

In our inaugural year, Codum prioritized inclusivity, welcoming anyone interested via a freemium model. However, as our community grew, so did the challenges of commitment. Users would enthusiastically sign up, but some wouldn’t follow through, leaving their partners unsupported — not the ideal experience when promising accountability built around mutual support…

The pressing questions emerged: How can we maintain a high-quality user base while being inclusive? As well as: Who should be a Codum user?

Setting Clear Expectations:

Excite, and be strict on etiquette.

Instead of excluding potential users, we focus on attracting our ideal users and managing expectations from the outset. By clearly communicating our values and standards, we guide users toward the desired behavior.

If you tell the world: ‘this is the place for the world’s most motivated learners, then you will attract the world’s most motivated learners!’

Additionally, a code of conduct or an onboarding checklist with statements like “We don’t tolerate ghosting” or “We’re a community of goal-getters” not only sets the tone but also ensures users know what’s expected.

Introducing the ‘Commitment Fee’:

What’s the perceived value of something that’s free?

We introduced a ‘commitment fee’ feature to enhance user commitment further. Users select an amount that mirrors their dedication, ensuring they’re paired with someone of similar commitment. For those unable to contribute financially, we initiated, what we call ‘commitment conversations’. These discussions allow users to vocalize their goals and dedication, fostering a sense of responsibility.

What’s next?

Urging users to invest money, time, and effort, showcasing their commitment significantly boosted user engagement and profoundly affected user dedication and collaboration.

When individuals have something at stake, be it money or their word, they’re more inclined to honor their commitments.

Yet, challenges arose. Having grown into a global community with users from e.g. the US, Germany, Nigeria, … the varying value of money across regions became evident and we’re exploring solutions like geo-pricing and a comprehensive commitment score to ensure inclusivity.

As we navigate the early chapters of our Codum story, we’re uncovering the profound layers of dedication, consistency, and collective purpose. This knowledge is helping us craft a space where commitment, collaboration, and personal growth converge.

If you’re eager to follow along while embarking on your own growth journey, Codum welcomes you!

Join us in redefining the future of upskilling, one dedicated step at a time.

Stay curious, stay committed.



Isabella Hoesch
The Side Hustle Club

Here to share my take on lifelong learning & entrepreneurship:). You can learn more about my activities as life coach here: