Get Highly Paid For Your Writing in 2023: Become a Copywriter

Hyder Ali Bhatti
The Side Hustle Club
4 min readJan 28, 2023
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

A copywriter is a professional writer who writes marketing copy. It is a most lucrative and demanding skill. Every business needs a copywriter at some moment.

Copywriting is a highly paid skill because it generates a return on investment (ROI).

The client happily pays high rates to copywriters because copywriters help them make multiples of that money.

So, Why Do People Hire Copywriters?

Let me explain to you with an example.

Aamir has a product worth $500 that he tries to sell to his email list. He writes the email himself and sends it to 100 people. 10 people open his email and 2 people buy his product. He makes a profit of $1000.

Aamir is upset due to the low sale rate.

One day his friend advises him to hire a copywriter to write emails for him. So, he hires a copywriter.

The copywriter knows how to grab the attention of readers and sell that product. The copywriter writes an amazing email that is opened by 60 people and 20 people buy that product. Aamir makes a profit of $10000. Which is 10x his previous profit.

So, it’s worth hiring a copywriter.

The good news is that copywriting is a completely learnable skill and one does not need any education to become a copywriter.

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is a type of writing which persuade the reader to take action. That action can be to sign up for a newsletter, download an eBook, or buy a product. The writer intends to drive action through the reader.

The Copywriter arranges the words in a way that pleases the reader. Copywriting is a written form of salesmanship.

Copywriting vs Content writing

Content writing and copywriting are two different types of writing. Most people confuse them and use them interchangeably which is wrong.

Content writing intends to educate the reader and build brand awareness resulting in indirect sales. Blog posts, articles, and eBooks are examples of content writing.

Whereas copywriting informs, inspires, and persuades the reader to take a specific action with a call to action. Sales letters, emails, landing pages, and website copy are examples of copywriting.

Types of Copywriting

There are many types of copywriting, and I have explained some of them below.

Direct Response Copywriting

Direct response is a type of copywriting in which someone is directly targeted. It is copywriting in which you talk to someone directly and by the end of that sales page or email, the reader is convinced to take action.

In direct-response copywriting you make a scenario, and connections and present the offer at last. There is a strong call to action.

For example: when you write a proposal on Upwork, sales letters, and emails.

Brand Copywriting

It is a type of copywriting to build a strong brand image. A copywriter presents a unique image of that brand. Big brands opt for brand copywriting.

Brand copywriting consists of the brand story, mission statement, about us page, vision statement, brand values, website copy, etc.

SEO Copywriting

SEO copywriting is the combination of copywriting that drives action and keywords that drive traffic.

Examples of SEO copywriting can be product descriptions, landing pages, and website copy.

Technical Copywriting

Technical copywriting involves knowledge of both copywriting and some technical fields. Technical copywriters convert the information that is difficult to read and understand into easily understandable and digestible form.

Technical copywriters write materials like product guides, case studies, and website copy for technical industries.

Types of Copywriters and Their Earning Potential

There are mainly three types of copywriters.

Agency copywriter

Agency copywriter work for large marketing agencies. They get consistent work and a fixed salary. Agency copywriters don’t have much freedom to choose between projects to work on.

However, they do get exposure to some large brands.

The salary of an agency copywriter ranges from $35,000 to $71,000 per year.

Corporate Copywriter

Corporate copywriters work for a single company like a large firm or big corporation. Their work is to write copy for that company. Whenever that company needs copywriting services they are responsible.

They also have fixed salaries like agency copywriters which range from $35,000 to $57,000.

Freelance Copywriter

This is where things get interesting. A freelance copywriter is a person who writes copy when someone approaches him. He has complete freedom whether he wants to work or not or what type of client he wants to work for.

Unlike agency or corporate copywriters, the earning potential of a freelance copywriter varies from person to person. A freelance copywriter can earn from $15,000 to $300,000 and this number grows.

A freelance copywriter has to build his business from scratch. The more experience and the network he has the more he can earn.

That’s it for now. Peace!

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Hyder Ali Bhatti
The Side Hustle Club

Freelance Content Writer and Blogger. I write about Blogging, SEO, Self Improvement, Business Ideas and make money online topics. So, Follow My Journey ✈️