How to Learn the Most Powerful and Profitable Skill of 2022

Shah Meer
The Side Hustle Club
6 min readDec 2, 2022

Things aren’t how they used to be. The world has changed, and you need to adapt or get left behind.

Your degree doesn’t matter as much as it used to. There is only one thing the world looks at these days.


As the internet evolves, and we transition to the next phase of the internet, you find yourself searching for new skills you can acquire to secure your future.

But the results leave you confused or disheartened. Blockchain Development, 3D Designs, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, etc.

These are skills that are not easily learnable for the vast majority. You might not have the background and foundation to learn this.

So, we are going to tell you about a skill that is not new, it has been present for generations. It is learnable and widely applicable.

And that skill is…

The Best Skills to Learn 2022

This is not only the most profitable but also the most powerful skill for the next 20 years.

It is this skill that has made Apple, Nike and Coca-Cola the biggest companies in the world.

The skill that is as old as advertising itself. That has led to billions of dollars in sales, subscriptions, lead generations and so much more.


This simple skill is the foundation of marketing.

The caption you see on Facebook ads, the description on an Amazon product page, the words on billboards, the writing in emails, etc.

All of this is copywriting.

”But don’t I have to be a writer for that”?


Because copywriting is not just writing.

What is Copywriting?

It is psychology, persuasion and storytelling.

It is what connects you with a brand. It is what makes you buy a particular product or sign up for a free trial.

Whatever business you want to successfully build, it will require copywriting.

For that, you don’t have to be a good writer. You just need to understand what you’re selling and how it can solve the customer’s problem.

Historically, good copy has been the key factor that set brands apart. It is how memorable ads are created.

Here are some examples.

This classic from Apple.

iPod Original Ad

When Coke Hit Back

We all know about these ads. Because they had an excellent copy that was simple and memorable.

That is what sets the big boys apart.

How Much Do Copywriters Earn?

That all depends upon you. You could earn $100-$200 a week or even $5000 a week.

The better your copy, the more sales you drive. Most copywriters earn commissions on top of their fixed charges.

So, the potential earnings can be limitless.


A 23-year-old solo copywriter living in Norway works less than 10 hours a week.

He makes more than $10,000 a month.

This individual started with small gigs that bagged him around $200 per gig. His clients were acquired through contacts and referrals.

He followed a simple philosophy. Do the work on your desk well and more will appear.

And it did.

He gained an opportunity to write applications for public financing for various SMBs. They generated well over $100k.

With a 5% commission on top of the fixed charges, it is certainly not bad for a few hours of work.’

How to Learn Copywriting

With those figures, you are probably interested in learning the skill by now.

There are several methods to make money with copywriting.

But first, you must learn.

This includes books, YouTube videos, podcasts, and online courses.

Don’t worry, the recommendations are right here:


You MUST read these 3 books; this is not a choice it’s a prescription.


There are several writers to learn from. These 3 are the GOAT’s. You must choose one of these and completely dive into their worldview.

Read their interviews and copy their sales letters by hand to get a sense of what good writing is.

  • Ann Handley
  • David Ogilvy
  • Gary Halbert



Online Courses:

Create a Portfolio

You’re a beginner with no experience, how do you create a portfolio?

Look at websites, landing pages, emails, newsletters, Google and Facebook ads copy.

Rewrite and make them better. This will also allow you to improve your skill.

There are several websites you can use to find these copies:

  • Facebook Ad Library

Facebook shows all the current ads running on its platform.

You can view those, learn the psychology behind the message, and try to improve it.

  • Really Good Emails

A collection of the best emails from the top brands in the world. Another excellent resource to view and improve existing copy.

  • Swiped

An enormous collection of various kinds of copies, old and new.

You can rewrite these in your style and improvements where you can.

Make it and Share it

Write each type of copy in a separate Google Docs file. Upload them to Google Drive and create a link.

This will allow you to create a simple portfolio that is ready to be shared at a moment’s notice.

How to Become a Copywriter

Now that you have learned and practiced, it is time to start earning.

There are several methods outlined here along with which steps to take to start earning with this skill.

And here is an additional tip as well. Search for a niche you are interested in and click on the google ads.

If the copy on their page is bad, write something better, contact them, and ask if they would be interested.

Now here is the true art of making the deal. Offer it for free in exchange for testimonials. Social proof is your biggest asset when starting out.

Key Takeaways

  • The best skill anyone can learn is copywriting.
  • You could earn anywhere between $200 — $10,000 a month through the fixed earnings + commission model.
  • Learn copywriting through books and diving into the world view of one copywriter.
  • Practice copying sales letters and rewriting poor copies you find online.
  • Offer free service at the start and ask for commissions only if sales increase.


  • How Much Do Copywriters Earn?

Copywriters can earn anywhere between $200 — $5000 a month. They earn commissions on top of their fixed charges.

On sites like Upwork, the minimum charges are around $40/hour. If you were earning that in your regular 9–5, that would be an annual salary of $76,800.

How to Learn Copywriting?

You can learn copywriting by:

  • Reading at least 3 of the best copywriting books.
  • Consuming 30+ hours of content via podcasts, YouTube and online courses.
  • Dive into the world view of 1 writer and copy their sales letters by hand to get an idea of what good writing is.

How to Become a Copywriter?

Here are two foolproof methods:

  1. Create a portfolio of your work by improving upon any mediocre copy you come across. Post it on Twitter and LinkedIn. This will help you get noticed.
  2. Directly contact the businesses with mediocre copy and offer to improve it in exchange for a testimonial.



Shah Meer
The Side Hustle Club

From Creative Director to Digital Writer. Sharing insights on Writing, Marketing and Monetization.