I Finally Launched My Gumroad Store

And you should too.

Abhi Thakur
The Side Hustle Club
3 min readMar 25, 2022


Photo by Mike Petrucci on Unsplash

For a while, I was curiously watching other Medium writers selling their digital products on Gumroad. Some were selling ebooks while some, other digital stuff.

Well, it is obviously a great way to earn some passive income. If you have anything to offer like an ebook or a course, you can sell it on Gumroad.

If you guys don’t know about Gumorad, let me clear this up for you.

Gumroad is a self-publishing digital marketplace to sell digital products like ebooks, courses, memberships, and other stuff. You can simply create your account, add your product, and start selling it.

The best thing is that Gumroad has its own organic audience who are looking for products to buy. So if you can’t drive people to your store through a website or social media, you can at least expect people on Gumroad to find you and buy the stuff you are selling.

Here’s a little info about Gumroad.

What can I sell on Gumroad?

Gumroad is not just for selling ebooks. You can do more than that.

Here’s what Gumroad has to say about this:

Digital Products, Physical Products, and Memberships — almost anything! Creators in just about every industry use (and love) Gumroad, from digital artists, writers, musicians, and other creative types to business-minded entrepreneurs and tech gurus like our SaaS creators.

This is basically what you can sell on this platform. Isn’t it cool?

How Gumroad Pays?

Gumroad offers two payment methods to its creators — Direct Deposit and PayPal.

You can opt for direct deposit if you are living in one of the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America

For the rest, you can opt for PayPal. But make sure PayPal is available in your country before you sign up.

Do Gumroad charge fees?

Of course, it does.

Gumroad charges 7% + PayPal fees on every sale you make. Once you cross the $1,000 earnings threshold in a lifetime, it drops to 5% + PayPal fees, 3% after $10,000, 1% after $100,000, and 0.9% after $1,000,000.

You can check out their fee structure for other payment options here.

What do I offer on Gumroad?

After thinking for a while, I decided to give Gumroad a shot. And finally, I have launched my Gumroad store with only one product to offer (as of now).

I am offering 240 pages of lined pages (PDF), used in my low content books, that were published on Amazon KDP. Currently, this is the only thing available at my shop. But I am planning to add other KDP interior content and several ebooks.

You can check out my shop here. If you want a KDP interior for your own low-content books, you can check that too 😁.

Join my email list here: https://abhithakur.ck.page/67f8aa0e98

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