I Started Creating and Selling Courses In a Weekend

Here’s how you can stop procrastinating and hit publish

Alison Wood
The Side Hustle Club


Image by LightField Studios on Envato Elements

Before I published my first online course, I did a lot of procrastinating. These are just a few of the questions that ran through my mind.

What topic shall I choose?

Which platform should I use?

Evergreen or closed cart?

Video, audio, or text?

To cut a long story short, I made things way more complicated than they needed to be.

It’s amazing how when we decide to do something new, perfectionism comes and taps us on the shoulder. It informs us we really aren’t good enough and therefore we must get this first course 100% right, and that it better look like something produced at a movie studio.

Then we dream about launching what I like to call the course to end all courses, spend weeks going round in circles, and ultimately produce absolutely nothing.

Sound familiar?

Yeah, me too.

But eventually I found my way out of the maze and started small. From there I have grown, and I have now been selling courses for over 10 years. By giving you the following examples, I hope I’m showing that you don't need to be perfect from…



Alison Wood
The Side Hustle Club

Writer, niche blogger & online creator. Tips to help build an online business you love! 💻 https://nichelifesuccess.com/links 📧 alison@nichelifesuccess.com